Always a party with a Hortinno azalea at home

Looking for flowers for the holidays? Then choose azaleas from Hortinno. They bring colour, are available in different shapes and bloom for a very long time. So when the Christmas tree at the end of December loses its needles, bloom the azaleas  on into January. This way, the dark winter months don't get a chance. Moreover, these plants hide a lot of benefits under their deep green leaves. Just read along.

Azalea for Christmas

Need Christmas decorations for your banquet? Looking for a suitable gift for your hostess or host? Scoring with a corporate gift for your employees? The Christine® azalea makes it all come true. Its biggest asset? The intense splendour of its colours. Not just red, but also matton pink, white, and even a mixture of white and orange-red. Or how about a combination, the four colours (matton, white, sienna red and magic) in one pot?  Do. Because this period begs for colour. And then the azalea comes in handy alongside other flowers for the holidays

Azalea as multicoloured Christmas flower

Christine azalea on stem as alternative Christmas tree 

Maybe you want something other than a classic Christmas tree this year? The azalea is the ideal substitute. As a woody plant, it can be grown in different shapes: standard as a round plant, but also as a pyramid and on a stem. So the azalea as a pyramid lends itself perfectly as a double of the Christmas tree, especially if you have limited space. Decorate the plant with a garland of LED lights and you immediately have a mood enhancer in your home. An azalea on a stem, on the other hand, is the ideal welcoming feature on the doorway indoors or in the entrance hall.

Flowers for a healthy new year

What do people wish each other at New Year? Right: good health. And did you know that the dark green shiny leaves of an Christine azalea have a beneficial impact on health? After all, they purify the air. So forget the classic greeting card and say it from now on with a azalea from Hortinno. Scientifically proven. Read it on our blog about the azalea's air-purifying properties.

The Christine azalea is especially interesting in the winter period when doors and windows are locked to keep the heat in. Cosy, but not so healthy for your airways because little fresh air circulates. The perfect timing to bring a Christine azalea into your home. Two to three plants are enough to remove formaldehyde, which are dirty dust particles, from the air in a standard living space.     .

And that's not all. The azalea also has a positive impact on humidity in the house. Because in winter it is often too dry in the house. Well, a flowering azalea has water twice a week. A lot of water evaporates again through the azalea leaves, as much as about 50 cl of water per week. All assets for your health at home.
